You are Cl… Chlorine

You scored 40 Mass, 53 Electronegativity, 42 Metal, and 0 Radioactivity!

You are the vampire of the chemical world. You know what you want and you take it. Not only that, but you are pretty hard to get rid of. You’re either found at the center of a group of drama fanatics, or mercilessly clinging to one person and demanding their complete attention. You’re one of the few elements that can take something from someone and keep it after ditching them. You’re the type who might make a girl fall in love with you in order to meet her sister. I make this sound all bad, but you’re also pretty good at removing scum from pools.

The Which Chemical Element Am I Test written by effataigus on Ok Cupid

Bei Frau Zuckerziege gefunden. Stimmt natürlich gar nix von.

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